Jacksonville (904) 735-7810 | Orange Park (904) 579-2232 | St. Augustine (904) 671-8482


How is a Person Out of State Served?

Accurate Serve® of Jacksonville is a trusted process service agency located in Jacksonville, Florida. We understand that legal matters can extend beyond state lines, and serving process to individuals located outside the state of Florida can present unique challenges. In this post, we will discuss the process and methods involved in serving individuals outside Florida’s jurisdiction and explain how Accurate Serve® can efficiently handle these situations. Understanding Out-of-State Service of Process The serving process refers to the legal act of

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A Guide to the Types of Papers Served by Process Servers

Here at Accurate Serve® of Jacksonville, Jacksonville’s premier private process service agency, we understand the importance of serving legal documents in a timely and accurate manner. Whether you’re a lawyer, a private individual, or a business owner, you will probably need the services of a process server at some point in your life. In our guide below, we’ll provide you with an overview of the types of papers that can be served by process servers.

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The Ways Technology in Service of Process is Delivering Better Results

The legal industry has been one of the last holdups in making the transition from pen and paper to the digital world, and the service of process is no exception. While there are still many parts of the service of process that require physical paperwork, technology is slowly revolutionizing the process service industry not just in Florida, but nationwide. In this post, we will discuss some of the ways technology is changing the process service industry and how it is

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Why You Should Hire a Process Server for Evictions

Serving legal documents is not always an easy task. This is especially true in cases of eviction, which can be emotionally charged and stressful. In this post, we will discuss why you should hire a process server for evictions and the benefits that come with it. Expertise and Experience Process servers are experts in serving legal documents, including evictions. They have the necessary experience and knowledge to serve documents quickly and efficiently, which is especially important in cases of eviction. 

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Will the Process Server File Proof of Service with the Court?

Once you’ve filed your complaint with Duval County’s Civil Court and received a summons for your case, it’s time to hire a private process server to deliver the summons, complaint, and any other pertinent documents to the defendants named in the lawsuit. You may also need a process server to deliver subpoenas to witnesses you intend to call during the case. But how will you, and Duval County Court, know that the process has been successfully served? What is Proof

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The Dangers of Fraudulent Process Servers

You may feel like all the scammers are currently working on selling extended warranties for vehicles, but trust us, they’re everywhere. Scam process servers are a big issue here in Florida. These unscrupulous servers know that anyone who files a civil lawsuit here in Jacksonville must use either law enforcement or a process server approved by the sheriff’s office to serve the process for their case, so they’re chomping at the bit once they can see that a case has

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Can A Process Server Trespass?

Process servers are an essential part of the legal system, ensuring that people are properly notified of legal matters and keeping the court schedule flowing smoothly. Without process servers, courtrooms would be scheduling nightmares with a backlog of cases or maybe even passing judgment on people who don’t even know they’re supposed to be in court. What a mess! So surely the court gives process servers permission to bend and break the law a little, right? No!!! Process Servers Must

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How to Know if a Process Server is Legit

You’ve filed your case with civil court…now it’s time to serve the defendants and witnesses with their summons and subpoenas. If you don’t follow the rules and use someone who isn’t authorized to serve process in Florida, you’re taking a risk of having your entire case thrown out for improper service. So how do you know if the process server you’re considering using is legit?  They’re approved/appointed/certified to work where you need service No matter where the process server plans

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Most Common Questions Asked About Process Serving

What is Process? According to Cornell Law School, the process is paperwork relevant to a specific court case that needs to be served on the case’s defendant.  What is a Process Server? A process server is a person who delivers legal process to its intended recipient. The recipient could be a case defendant, witness, subject-matter expert, or other stakeholders in the case. 

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Spotting a Fake Process Server

Using an approved process server in Jacksonville is required for the delivery of most legal documents. Only process servers approved by the Duval County Sheriff’s Office may serve legal process in this county. Using an unapproved process server could get your entire case thrown out. In this post, we’ll go over the tell-tale signs that you’re dealing with a process server that is not reputable. No Sheriff Approval As mentioned above, anyone serving process in Duval County must first be

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