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5 Things Effective Process Servers Have in Common

If you are in the market for process servers to serve your legal documents and legal docs to civil case defendants and respondents, you have your work cut out for you. It is just like with any kind of market for specialized services.  It can be quite confusing out there. It seems that anybody can call themselves process-server-company and get clients. There is a heavy demand for this type of servers. And if you are not paying attention, you might

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The Benefits of Using a Process Server for Your Legal Business

For most legal businesses and collection companies there are times when cases arise that are not in your immediate local area. When it comes time to serve the individuals who live in another area it may be difficult to have someone on your staff away for a day or two in order to do this. This is one of the reasons that using a process server for your legal business can be very beneficial. When process serving was first introduced,

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The Proper Way to Handle Document Retrievals

Handling data in an appropriate way is extremely important so that the information remains safe. When retrieving documents precautions should be taken in order to ensure that the documents are stored in a safe and secure way. There should be a set of policies in place that will help manage the data in an appropriate way. Considerations There are several considerations that should be made when it comes to handling document retrievals. Some of the considerations include:

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Qualities You Need to Be a Process Server

Being a process server is a rewarding, challenging, and interesting career choice. You will encounter weird people, go to strange locations, spend time on stakeouts, and you might get chased away once or twice. It requires a special type of person to be a process server, but you just might be one of them. What does it take to be a process server? Let’s look at some of the qualities of a successful process server. Are You A Patient Person?

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Tips for Process Servers in the Performance of Their Duties

Process service might not go as planned. A lot of people are going to try to avoid getting served, and they will do everything to evade the process server. An uncooperative recipient can present a challenge for a process server, and it is up to the process server to figure out a way around the evasiveness and difficulty that a recipient can present. Do Your Research You should try to find out as much as you can about the recipient.

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Defining Diligent Search in Florida

In the state of Florida, parties to lawsuits must receive notification of the suit, and this notification is called “service.” Depending upon the nature of the suit, service may be valid when completed through the mail. However, there are certain types of actions that must be handled personally by an individual who hands the documentation to the party to the lawsuit, thereby “serving” the individual with notice. This action is a “service” or “process service.” What happens when the party

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Can You Trust Your Process Service?

Although it’s very difficult to sue a process server, a recent case in California where 16 residents in the San Francisco area sued a process service company in Alameda shows that there is a problem in the industry. The lawsuits claim that the process servers lied about actually serving the paperwork to individuals. The company’s records are being reviewed, and early indications are that there are many other violations. Because the California process service system is virtually unregulated, it leaves

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The Celebrity Process Server

Process serving is quite often a trying experience, even when dealing with the everyday average citizen. But in some cases the act of serving court papers is complicated by the fact that the person being served is a high-profile actor, politician, or media personality. In other words, they are a celebrity. The Barrier Crowd Not only are celebrities difficult to locate, they are often protected by a barrier of personal sentinels, people whose sole job is to screen out who

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Social Media and Process Serving

Can process servers use social media networking sites such as Facebook to serve individuals? The answer is yes, in some countries. The real question for the United States becomes not if, but when, US courts will sanction it. Using The Facebook Wall In Other Countries Although this method has not been tested yet in the courts in the United States, it has been effectively employed in other countries such as New Zealand and the United Kingdom, and most recently in

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Why You Should Consider a Professional Process Server for a Writ of Garnishment

People are very protective of their wages, and predictably, most are not happy to be served with notice of a writ of garnishment. Confronting a debtor with a notice can be an uncomfortable situation; therefore, it makes sense for many people to obtain a process server to provide the paperwork to notify the debtor in a professional and neutral fashion. A professional process server can make serving a writ of garnishment easier. Typically, he or she will have experience in

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