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The Key to Landlord Tenant Disputes

Problems between landlords and tenants are never pleasant, but strategically using a process server in such a situation can help to make it all a bit easier. This is especially true for landlords dealing with problematic tenants who are involved in illegal activities, violating lease terms, refusing to pay rent, or committing other undesirable actions. Get Help From a Process Server If you have exhausted all of your options as a landlord to resolve the problems caused by your tenant,

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More Social Media Apps are Court Approved to Serve Papers

In 2016 alone, judges made major headlines by announcing their approval of requests to use social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to serve papers. This is an enormous change from the traditional rules of service of process that require papers to be served in person. Though social media utilization is still limited to only a handful of situations, process servers in Singapore have now been granted permission to move beyond Facebook and Twitter and into the realm of WhatsApp.

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Chris Brown Continues His Legal Trouble with Process Servers

Chris Brown is a talented singer, but he has also gained an unfortunate reputation for his tendency to collide on the wrong side of the law. In fact, the troubled R&B star is known just as much for his music as for the fact that he physically assaulted then-girlfriend Rihanna in 2009. In addition to jail time, community service, and social media conflicts, Brown has also made enemies with the process servers tasked with serving the papers for his various

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The Important Elements of Due Process

We are are familiar with the term “due process,” but could we explain it in detail? Due process stands as the foundation of our country and judicial system, so it’s important to understand its functions. According to due process, states must respect the legal rights owed to each American citizen. This balances the power of law and protects individual people from being abused by that power. The History of Due Process The concept of due process actually originates nearly 2,000

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A Reminder of How Not to Act After Being Served

Receiving papers from a process server can be an emotional experience. Any number of things might be contained in that stack of papers, from a divorce to a bankruptcy or ugly lawsuit. Most process servers will report that delivering papers rarely makes the recipients happy, but it’s a necessary component of the judicial process. Some people accept their papers quietly and head inside to deal with their emotions, others ignore the papers and hope the problem will simply disappear, and

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If a Process Server Comes to Your Door, Don’t Do This!

It’s not always a person’s favorite part of the day to find a process server at the door, but certain reactions are better than others. The former CEO of Latitude 360 learned this the hard way when he was accused of running over a process server with his car. When Latitude 360 first opened in Robinson, Pennsylvania near Pittsburgh, it was a hotspot restaurant and entertainment venue complete with an arcade and movie theater. However, the business didn’t succeed, and

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Serving Drug-Related Papers

Serving any type of papers can be complicated and dangerous. Whether it’s foreclosure, bankruptcy, or a civil case being presented, very few people want the formal reminder that their lives are complicated and their finances threatened. However, serving drug-related papers is infinitely more difficult. It’s usually a drug-related search warrant that causes the commotion. Take, for instance, a raid that just occurred in Nampa, Idaho. The Nampa Police Department worked together with DEA agents and probation and parole officers to

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Will Process Servers Soon Be Wearing Body Cameras?

It’s hard—nearly impossible, really—to listen to the news without at some point hearing the term “body camera.” More and more police forces are adopting body cameras as the number of high-profile, controversial legal battles between police officers and citizens continues to escalate. Despite some misgivings regarding concerns that the body cameras would violate privacy rights of police officers and citizens, body cameras have now been widely accepted across the country as the best way to create government transparency and ensure

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Can Protesters Actually Be Evicted?

Back in 2011, the Occupy Wall Street protesters clashed with New York City’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg and police force when they were evicted from their protest site after more than two months of encampment. Ever since, many have raised the question: can protesters be legally evicted, or does the constitution protect peaceful protesting rights? Occupy Wall Street was a protest movement that arose in September 2011 to fight back against social and economic inequality worldwide, and specifically on Wall Street.

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Small Claims 101

On the grand scale of frightening and damaging courtroom situations, small claims is a minor inconvenience. Despite this, small claims court can cause major headaches and heartaches to someone who enters the ring unprepared. Here is what you need to know if you receive a small claims court notice. What is Small Claims Court? This type of court offers a means for ordinary citizens to resolve small issues and disputes in a less complicated and more affordable manner. It takes

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